Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ryan's Baptism

A few weekends ago, Baby Ryan was baptized.  Adam and I were his Godparents.  Here are a few photos from his special day.   Ryan, we are so glad God sent you (and your parents!) to be part of our lives!  We are excited to see all the cool things God will do in your life!

Baby Caroline

We spent a long weekend in Houston visiting Aunt Julie, Uncle Richard, and our sweet Caroline.  The weather was great, we ate lots of good food, and had many late game nights!  We love our new little niece!

Extra Halloween Shots

Getting Belle ready....

Trick or Treating.....

Halloween party at my mom and dad's....

Prior to Halloween...........

We visited another pumpkin patch.  This one was the real deal.  We actually had to clip the pumpkins off of the vine with shears.

We celebrated my Grandma Hull's 73rd birthday!

We celebrated my Grandpa Jarvis' 98th birthday!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Belle and Mrs. Potts - Happy Halloween!

We had a great time on Halloween and ate way too much candy! Here are the photos of Belle and her sidekick Mrs. Potts. Special thanks to our sweet Grammy for making the costumes!

More pictures to come of all of our Halloween fun!

Christmas Card Photos