Monday, May 31, 2010

Audrey - 3 Month Pictures

Here are a few shots I snapped of Audrey at her 3 month mark. She is such a happy baby. She makes me smile just thinking about her and her sweet little face!

Sisters in May

Here are a few shots of the two sisters. Emma is usually very sweet to her for the most part. She will get down in her face and talk like a baby to her, push her in her swing (the batteries are out so we let Emma be the motor!), and bring/cover her in toys. She loves to introduce her to everyone (the cashier at hobby lobby, the deli worker at Schnuck’s, and even my mom) by saying “this Audi”. She does occasionally steal her pacifier from her just to be a stinker and loves to get right in Audrey’s ear and scream when she is sleeping! I guess this is all part of the joys of having a two year old sister!

I guess you could call this snuggle time? I am not sure Audrey was as into it as Emma was!

Spring Time with Emma

Emma loves the nice weather we have had and we are taking full advantage of spending time with her outside. It keeps our house way cleaner! Here is what she has been up to the month of May!

She loves to run in the rain, is crazy about riding her Dora bike and is nuts about sidewalk chalk. Grammy has been really helping Emma with her art work and will get all the credit if she becomes a famous artist one day!

She is still an avid Dora fan and takes it very seriously. You cannot break her stare when Dora is on! She also has morphed into a monkey and climbs everything in sight! She can scale our pantry shelves in no time flat and uses the drawers in her dresser to get the books she wants! She also has learned how to open door knobs so we cannot keep her out of anything! Her favorite room is the pantry. Her eating habits have not changed; she still can eat “nacks” and drink her “milkey” all day long!

She is always up for some cupcake making and of course a good bath! The other day she was in the bathtub playing with some stacking cups and I looked over to see her holding two of them up to her chest. I asked her what she was doing and she said “I am making a bottle for Molly”. Molly is her baby doll. I have heard of toddlers nursing their babies but never pumping them a bottle. I guess she has seen me in action a few times! There is not much modesty around our house!

Here she is posing in the yard before going inside one night. She loves to sprawl out in the grass and just relax!

And after all of her hard playing, exploring, climbing, and acting crazy, she loves to snuggle with her blankie and take a great nap! And we all appreciate nap time! She always wakes up with this crazy hair though!

Little Audrey Girl

I feel like I have been so busy since going back to work that my sweet little Audrey has not gotten the press on here she deserves! She is absolutely the sweetest baby in the world (and we are not partial!). I am completely in love with her and just want to kiss and hold her all day! She is ALWAYS happy, very laid back, loves her big sister and the best sleeper. I hate to put it in writing but she has been sleeping through the night (8pm-6am) since she was five weeks old! Emma did not sleep more than a four hour stretch until she was nine months old so you can see why Audrey’s sleeping habits make us love her even more! She smiles as soon as anyone talks to her and laughs out loud at Adam and Emma. The two of them are pretty funny. She loves the Cardinals (this makes Adam happy) and just coos and talks when they are on! We just couldn’t be happier with our little girl!

Here she is at two months old (April 26th).

And some more pictures during May……

Cousin Andy's Wedding

We spent a weekend in Indiana celebrating with Pop’s family as cousin Andy got married. It was another beautiful wedding with lots of good food and crazy dancing by Emma. I know all of Adam’s family is just wondering how nice, quiet and reserved Adam got a kid like Emma! She is quite the character to see in action, especially at a wedding!

Here are a few family photos from the day…..

Pop’s, his mom, his brothers and some of his sisters…..
Pop’s and his brothers….

Prepping Emma for the bouquet toss……

Audrey before the wedding….

Getting in some time with Grandma Schweiss (these pictures were all taken at different times throughout the night. Emma would just randomly go sit by her great grandma! They do share a name (Marie) and I am sure Emma remembers the chocolate cupcakes she keeps at her house!

Adam and his girls….

Dancing with the flower girl (she didn’t even know this girl but was happy to have a dance partner!)

Grant's Farm - May 25th

My college friend Ashley was in town for a few days along with her sister, mom, and all of their kiddos. The girls and I met up with them at Grant’s Farm for a hot day of fun. I was so happy to see her (it had been way too long) and meet her new sweet baby girl, Matney. Abby, Ashley’s sister, also had her new baby there (he was so tiny….only three weeks old) so we got to meet that little cutie too! The babies were wonderful and the older kids were entertaining to say the least. At one point all three moms were busy holding the infants while the three older kids decided to go and lie down in the shrubs! We had our hands full but it was fun! Emma was frightened of the goats and wasn’t having the whole “feed the goat a bottle” thing. I wasn’t much up for it either and was glad we were only pinned up with them for a few minutes. They are pretty aggressive!

These two were fast friends! Brayden is the same age as cousin Ben so Emma was really into him. She followed him around and wanted to do everything he did!

Emma was glad to be on the OUTSIDE of the goat area! Brayden and Grayson liked it much more than she did!

It was really hot, which made for really tired kids!

Ashley was doing double duty so I could retrieve Emma from the landscaping she was playing in!

Family Time

Though tax season is over it seems like we are super busy! The summer always seems to be that way! Here are a few pictures from the past month of our time together as a family!

And our extended family…Dave and Steph with Audrey.

Picnic at Shaw Park - May 4th

We had some errands to do one morning so we decided to meet Daddy at the park across from his work for a lunchtime picnic. When I came up with this idea I had no idea how much work went into a picnic. Just packing all the snacks, making the sandwiches, getting a cooler ready, finding blankets to sit on, and everything else we hauled there, made me exhausted. Emma however loved every minute! She couldn’t wait to get everything in the car so we could get going! The entire time we were at the park she just kept saying “Emma on a picnic! Thank you Daddy! Thank you daddy!” Oh, the joy of being the mom! Some days I feel like I should write my mom a letter and just say “thanks” for all the times she didn’t get any recognition for her hard work! Not that I need Emma to say thank you really because her little face of excitement and joy was enough!

Christmas Card Photos