Sunday, February 28, 2010

Audrey Catherine

Our sweet little baby girl is here! Audrey Catherine was born on Friday afternoon and is doing great! She weighed 7 lbs 4 ounces and is 20 inches long. She looks very similar to what Emma looked like at birth. So far she is a good little eater and a good little sleeper! I am sure the sleeping part will be changing soon, probably tonight! Here are a few shots from her birth and some hospital pictures. We are home now so I will be posting more pictures soon!

A few shots right after she arrived…..
And a few photos of the new sisters together! Emma is stepping right up to her role as the oldest child. Audrey was crying during a diaper change and we heard Emma whisper “don’t cry sissy”! When we got home Emma carefully explained to Audrey whose toys were whose! She said several times “this one Emma’s” and would get right in her face to make sure she understood! I am sure they will be great friends one day and it will be so neat to watch their relationship grow!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is always a busy time of year for us due to tax season but we did manage to squeeze in a few things related to the day! Last weekend we made some cupcakes. This was Emma's first time using sprinkles and she got a little carried away! We ended up having to get the vacuum out to clean up the mess!

Here are a few shots of Emma with Adam and one with her gift from us. She spent the morning yesterday making her dad a card. She used almost all of her princess stickers for it. I had to do the writing since her words are not yet words and she was sure to point out to Adam every part that I did! She would say "Mommy write this".

Emma also loves the show Super Why on PBS. We watch it every morning after we watch Sid the Science Kid. I found these character dolls from the show and we gave them to her for her Valentine’s gift. I wondered if she would recognize who they were when she opened them up and she did! She was yelling “Super Why!” She was also pumped about the Sesame Street gift bag they came in! She carries them around in her bag saying “Mommy Daddy Thank You!” I guess she liked the gift!

Also, here is a shot of the roses Adam gave me. We had agreed not to buy gifts so I only gave Adam a card. I felt bad so I made him a strawberry smoothie last night and some heart shaped pancakes for breakfast to make up for it!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just A Post

Life around our house has been pretty boring lately so there really has not been much to post about. Adam is busy already in tax season and Emma and I have just been hanging out at home.

The quality of this photo is not the greatest but it makes me laugh. While I was getting ready Emma was going through our closet and she came out with all of this gear on. She has on one of Adam's hats and some football gloves. I love how she wears the hat backwards! She has been really into picking out her clothes/socks/shoes/hairbows lately. She even has an opinion about which diaper she wears (Zoe, Elmo, Cookie, etc!) It is always interesting to see what she comes up with!

Adam painted the new nursery a few weeks ago. We almost have everything ready. I will be posting pictures of it soon!

Emma loves to play hide 'n seek. She says "Emma seek". Here she is in one of her favorite hiding spots!

Working on her Valentine's Day Cards!

Emma watching TV...

Christmas Card Photos