Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

We spent celebrated Easter and Jesus' Resurrection with a special visit from the Howell family. We dyed eggs, spent time with family (mainly indoors since it rained the entire time!), loved on our sweet niece Caroline, and had a belated birthday party for Emma (with a special "cake" made by Aunt Julie, see below!) My blog got behind and I meant to post about Easter much earlier. I love the holiday and the time of reflection that leads up to Easter. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Moser Visit - Cousin Time

The Moser family spent the first week of April visiting us in Missouri. You can imagine the craziness you get when you put a 5 year old, 3 year old, 2 year old, 1 year old, and seven month old all together! It was a very fun but loud week! We kept busy visiting Grandma Schweiss, touring the Arch, playing in Forest Park, dyeing Easter eggs, and playing with toys. They all love each other and it is fun to see them play together. We are planning a family vacation this summer so this is just a preview of what is to come. I am thinking we should hire a nanny to come along so that it actually feels like a vacation!

We made Audrey watch from the sidelines for fear we might loose her in the bubbles if she joined the other three!

Mealtime was the most chaotic part of the week!

Getting a lesson on how to make cake pops from bakerella Ali.

Grandma Schweiss

The Arch

Forest Park

Easter Eggs / Craziness

Christmas Card Photos