Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hospital Time

Our time at the hospital went by very quickly. We opted for a scheduled induction to fit our hectic tax season schedule a little better! Adam dropped me off at the hospital on his way to work on Friday morning around 8. I felt so weird walking through the hallway with my suitcase by myself. I called Adam and said “I feel like I just got dropped off at the airport instead of the hospital!” Adam came back to the hospital around one that afternoon and little Audrey was here at 2:25 p.m.! It was all very quick and I am almost embarrassed to say but all very painless! Thanks to those epidurals, which I asked for mine before I was even in pain and therefore never felt any! My grandma told me that it is impossible to have a baby without pain but I can now say it is not! Just about five minutes of intenseness when we were waiting on the doctor to come catch the baby (literally, he didn’t even have time to change his clothes!) and our little girl was here!

So now that you know the delivery story, here are more photos of our time in the hospital. Adam and I were the only ones at the hospital for the delivery and the rest of that day so we do not have near as many photos as we did with Emma. I know that is the story for every child that is born second! I am going to try hard to keep up on Audrey's photos though in the future! I am also a second child and there is no record of my life until I am about 6 days old!

Here is our sad attempt at a family photo. Emma is really into coloring, drawing, and using stickers right now and was more interested in her artwork than our family photo session! Audrey is starting to show her jaundice and I am looking very swollen. Adam actually looks pretty decent though!

Here is Emma decorating the nursery crib with stickers for Audrey. We didn't even bother to peel them off. I am sure the nursery workers loved us!

A shot of my mom and grandma with the girls…..
And our visitors……
Grandma Jarvis

Papa Jack

Grammy and Pops

Uncle Eric

Great-Grandma Hull

Cousin Catherine

Aunt Caren and Cousin Catherine
And finally, a special photo for my friend Peggy from work to prove that I was actually pregnant with this child! Since I would never raise my shirt up for her at work, she said she needed some hard evidence that I wasn’t pretending so Adam took this one on our way to the hospital. I decided for everyone’s sake to keep my shirt down and not show any skin!

1 comment:

  1. Okay I believe you now, but you should have raised your shirt up. She is a beautiful baby and looks so much like Emma. Congratulations!
    Enjoy your time off with your girls! Peggy


Christmas Card Photos