Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pickle Springs

We spent the actual Labor Day on a hike at Pickle Springs. This was quite the workout and was much harder than I remembered it being. Probably because I have never done it while hauling either a six month old and/or a two and a half year old! Lucky for me and unlucky for my mom, mid-way through Emma only wanted her Grandma to carry her! It was strenuous for anyone much less being a grandma and lugging Emma but my mom was a real trooper and only got lightheaded once! Nothing a little water couldn’t fix!

The hike was full of nature complete with a snake which made me want to quit! I don’t think we will be going back anytime soon, at least not until all children can hike on their own. Oh, and the almost 12 year old Catherine wore flip flops and required some assistance as well at times!

In case you were wondering what the heck Emma is wearing, let me explain. Earlier that morning my dad had been to Wal-Mart. Apparently he got sidetracked in the summer clearance aisle. He came home with a twelve pack of Sam’s Choice Cola Zero (that he only paid $1 for; we heard all day about what a great deal it was!) and this lovely ensemble for Emma. He had called to ask what size she wore so I knew he was buying her some sort of clothing and was expecting a dress of some sort. Instead, he went for Thomas the Train! The best part of the entire story is that he still believes that this is a girl outfit! The lady in the check out line said “Oh, do you have a little boy at home?” and my dad said “No, my grandaughter!” She then proceeded to tell him how Thomas was for boys but my dad was quick to inform her “No it is not, we watch this show together on TV!” (So it MUST be for girls!)


  1. That Wal-Mart story is awesome and your dad is so sweet! I think Emma looks adorable and it's a perfect hiking outfit. She would be cute in a paper sack though. I can't WAIT to see her and you guys soon!!

  2. I agree with Ali...Emma is super cute no matter what she is wearing!!


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