Monday, July 19, 2010


There was a heat warning out on Saturday so we thought it would be a great day to go pick peaches! We waited to start until after lunch just to make sure it wouldn’t be too chilly! Oh, and we drug along our 7+ month pregnant friend Steph and put her in charge of wild Emma! Dave was along too and he was so hot he was threatening anyone who accidently bumped up against him! The peaches were delicious but I much prefer the fall and apples! Also, just to add to your description of the day, it was over an hour drive each way and Emma climbed out of the carseat a hundred times, we had to pull over to spank her, and Stephanie and I were in the back of the van. Then just a few minutes ago I saw a commercial for Schnuck’s (our local grocery store) advertising “Eckert’s Home Grown Peaches” for $1.47/lb. We paid $1.59, nearly suffered from a heat stroke, and burned a tank of gas. Adam too saw the commercial and said “Hmm, I guess they charge you more to pick the fresh ones.” I think we just got ripped. Lastly, it was so hot I was not in the mood to take pictures so they are all crappy.

I know it doesn’t sound like it but we really did have fun! During the car chaos, Stephanie and I were planning a driving trip to California as we had one seat open between us for new baby Ryan’s carseat! I should mention that the trip included Stephanie and I being medically sedated!

1 comment:

  1. Steph told me about this yesterday. You guys are nuts! I told Steve I thought we should go peach picking today and he just gave me a look. Schnuck's here we come!


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