Monday, July 19, 2010

July Happenings….

July has been a little slower for us than June was. We have been taking it easy. Audrey started eating cereal and Emma has taken over the parenting duties of her.

These photos represent some of her skills. I had just pumped Audrey a bottle and sat it down on the table. I was getting ready to feed her but then I got distracted in the kitchen. Audrey started getting fussy in her swing so I tried to get done with what I was doing to get back to her. Amidst my hurried work, I realized Audrey had gotten quiet. I looked over to find Emma feeding her and saying “It’s ok Audrey, I can feed you. Here is your milky Audrey. You want your bottle Audrey?” Since she had it under control I let her continue. She then managed to prop the bottle in Audrey’s hands and said “Just a minute Audi, I need to get my milk. Can you hold your milky Audrey? There you go.” She went over, grabbed her milk and came back to finish the job! She is such a good little helper sometimes!

And when she saw that I was photographing it all, she had to grab her camera to document as well!

First bit of cereal…..

She likes it! She is easy to please!

And in other news, we have begun potting training on days we are in the mood to do so but I will spare you those photos!

1 comment:

  1. "Audi" is so cute and I can't believe how grown up Emma is getting too! I can't WAIT to see you guys again...wish we lived closer!


Christmas Card Photos